Gedienka`eh Lyrics

As a disclaimer, please note that these lyrics are ©1998, so please don't attempt to take them for your own. Musicians hold a strict code of honour (or so we'd like to think and hope), and plagerism just isn't please respect our rights as musicians and writers, and your karma will be much more pleasant :)


[chorus#1]* Girl Power, who needs it? I'd rather see them bleeding! (x2)* [chorus#2]* Go back to the kitchen and raise your kids. Rebel-women for sale, can I get some bids?* You strut your stuff, you think you're all that. With your tight-ass pants and a shirt that says "brat". Dunno what you're thinking, when you say you kiss ass. Might as well shuddup, before you sound too crass. [chorus#2] [chorus#1 x2] Before you get rights, learn how to spell. It's not two or three R's, it's G-I-R-L. [chorus#1 x2] [chorus#2] Before you get rights, learn how to spell. It's not two or three R's... IT'S G-I-R-L!

Model Girl

[chorus]* I loved you once, I loved you twice. Once more really would have been nice. If only you had let me prove, just what I could do to you.* A little kid, an itty-bitty girl. You should know better, than to ask for the world. You may just deserve what you get, but you sure as hell don't deserve all that. I'm going on with my life, I wish I'd never met her. I've got someone new, not as good but better. [chorus] In the real world, now you're adult. I don't know how you're learning to cope. Model girl, all petite. Hard to grasp, tough to keep. [chorus x2] I'm going on with my life, I wish I'd never met her. I've got someone new, not as good but better.


Little goth girl, are you whack? Aren't you hot,dressed in all black? Can't you see your mind is gone? PVC IS NOT FUN!!! I wanna be pale and scrawny. Let's piss off mommy. I wanna wear all black. Let's play vamp-attack. I'm just a wannagoth. Better than you, nothing you can do. I'm just a wannagoth, wannagoth. Nine Inch Nails, stringy dark hair, Nobody's better and you don't care! Just what if Hot Topic were to close? Where would you go for yer lil goth clothes? Marilyn Manson, ripped fishnet tights. Wait till yer legal age till you stay out all night! Lil goth kid, got the boys in check. They're just afraid that you'll go and bite their neck! Vampire fantasy, all played out, C'mon let's take a knife and drain our blood out! Cute talk shows, their stupid hosts. You make the real goths look dumb as posts. I wanna be pale and scrawny. Let's piss off mommy. I wanna wear all black. Let's play vamp-attack. I'm just a wannagoth. Better than you, nothing you can do. I'm just a wannagoth, wannagoth... wannagoth!

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